Are you after climate control for your home or business? Whether you choose to hire air conditioning or install your own system, it’s vital to get the right option for you. Not only can this save you money, it’ll also help you get the results you need.

Find out the pros and cons of hiring temporary air conditioning vs. investing in an installed system here. Get the latest information and expert advice to help you make the best decision for you and your property.

Air conditioning hire

Air conditioning hire can be a good option if you only want a temporary solution. If you decide to hire air conditioning, you’ll be given a portable unit. This is an air conditioner that sits on the floor and plugs into a standard mains socket.

Portable or standalone air conditioners can be a great solution but they’re not ideal for every situation. Here are the main pros and cons of temporary air conditioning to help you work out if it’s right for you.

Temporary air conditioning advantages

  • Low upfront cost
  • Portable
  • Suits lots of buildings

The main attraction of air conditioning hire is its low upfront cost. Prices start at as low as £40 per week for a small unit and £60 for larger ones, although you’ll pay more for better efficiency levels. This means that if you just need air conditioning for a one-off event, hiring is definitely the way to go.

portable air conditioner standing next to a windowHiring air conditioning is also a good idea if you want a portable solution. It’s easy to move standalone units around, although they can be quite heavy. So, if you have several rooms you want to air condition at different times over a couple of weeks or months, hiring temporary air conditioning could work for you.

Portable air conditioners are also good for providing climate control in buildings where you can’t install air conditioning. This might be due to planning rules, because the building is listed or there’s nowhere to put an external unit. Hire a unit if you just need air conditioning for a couple of weeks or months, or consider buying one if you’ll need it for longer.

Temporary air conditioning disadvantages

  • Low efficiency levels
  • Noisy
  • Reduced security

Although initially a low-cost option, hiring a portable air conditioner can be very expensive as a long-term solution. Some of this is down to hiring charges – unlike installing air conditioners, you’re not investing in a solution that’s yours to keep. But it’s down to running costs too. Portable air conditioners are much less efficient than installable ones, which means they cost a lot more to run.

Choosing air conditioning hire can also contribute to noise pollution in your home or business. Portable air conditioners are typically much noisier than air conditioners you install. This means that if you want to keep background noise to a minimum, temporary air conditioning probably isn’t for you.

Portable air conditioners can also compromise security. The vast majority have a hose that feed out warm waste air. This means that you need to position the air conditioner close to an open window or door, and feed the hose out of it. While fine in some situations, it’s important to be aware that this can compromise your property’s security.

Air conditioning installation

If hiring air conditioning units doesn’t sound like the best option for you, consider installing a more permanent air conditioning system in your property.

The most common air conditioning installations you’ll find in the UK are VRF split or multi split systems. This is where you have one or more internal units attached to the ceiling, floor or walls of your property. This connects via electrical wiring and refrigeration piping to a unit outside the property.

An air conditioning installation can be a really effective way to provide your home or business with climate control, but they don’t suit everyone. Here are the pros and cons you need to know about.

Air conditioning installation advantages

  • High efficiency
  • Heating and cooling functions
  • Subtle and unobtrusive
  • Long-term solution

When it comes to efficiency, split and multi split air conditioning installations have the best ratings around. These are much better than any air conditioning hire units. Choosing an air conditioner with a top efficiency rating is a great way to help keep your electricity usage down and your bills low.

Air conditioning installations can also come with some great functions. Get a system that can cool and heat your property, taking care of all your climate control needs. You can also get units with motion detectors, silent modes, night modes and more to help you maximise comfort and efficiency.

Installed air conditioners also have the edge when it comes to noise and appearance. Internal split and multi split units are typically much quieter than portable air conditioners, and come in a range of shapes, sizes and colours. This means you can pick units that are attractive, subtle and suit your property down to the ground.

Commercial air conditioning unitAn air conditioning installation is ultimately the best choice if you want a long-term climate control solution too. Also initially more expensive than hiring a portable unit, their high efficiency levels and additional features make them a cheaper, more convenient and practical system in the long-term.

Air conditioning installation disadvantages

  • More expensive upfront
  • Not suitable for some properties

Before you go ahead with an air conditioning installation, it’s important to be realistic with yourself about what you can afford. Split and multi split air conditioning installations typically start at about £1,500. Although you’ll save money on your energy bills over time, you’ll need the money to invest in the system in the first place.

There are also properties where it’s simply not possible to install air conditioning. This could be because they’re listed, in a conservation area, or for other planning or logistical reasons. If this is the case, hiring or buying a portable air conditioner may be your best option.

So should you install or hire air conditioning?

Whether you should go for installed or temporary air conditioning basically boils down to your needs and budget.

Just need air conditioning for the odd event or short-term period? Then pick an air conditioning hire service. Or you could even buy your own portable unit. There’s no point investing in an air conditioning installation if you’re only going to use it on a couple of occasions.

But if you feel that air conditioning is vital to your home or business, installing a split or multi split system is the most economical and practical solution.

Need help deciding on the best climate control solution for you? Or looking for quotes for new air conditioning in your home or business? Fill in our quick online form for free, no-obligation advice and quotes.