Since office air conditioning came about, there have been arguments over it. Scientists have proven that women feel the cold more than men, so there are constant battles over the thermostat and whether someone should just put a jumper on in the middle of summer.

But office air conditioning is actually important for your business. You’ll need to make sure you get the temperature right, but with the correct system your staff could be more productive, happier and healthier. Keep reading to find out the benefits to installing air conditioning in your office.

1. Increase productivity

Studies have shown that not having office air conditioning can mean that, come the summer months, your staff’s productivity may decrease.
Finnish researchers reviewed 24 different studies that dealt with temperature and productivity; lots of these studies were completed in call centres. They measured the speed of a staff member’s work at different workplace temperatures. They found that on average, productivity decreased once the office temperature hit 23 degrees Celsius.
If you install air conditioning, make sure that the temperature stays below 23 degrees and help your staff stay happy and productive.

2. Promote good decision-making

businessman sweating due to no office air conditioningWe all know what it’s like to feel so hot and bothered that you can barely even think. And if you can’t make decisions at work, that’s seriously going to affect your output. The Universities of Virginia and Houston studied the effect of heat on decision-making and found that people make fewer decisions on hot days. Warmer temperatures require us to use more glucose to maintain a normal body temperature, which reduces the amount available for cognitive processes.

So if you want your employees to make better decisions for your business, you’re going to need office air conditioning.

3. Keep staff happy with office air conditioning

When the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence studied tweets in the USA written during April 2013, they found that the higher the humidity index in the location that a person tweeted from, the more negative tweets were. This data seems to show that people are angrier in hotter climates.

If this is the case, you’ll want to keep your staff content with a cool office to work in. Air conditioning is the perfect solution, so you can keep the space at the perfect temperature for everyone.

4. Keep employees healthy

Of course, there will always be times when your employees have to take days off sick. But you can help reduce the likelihood of your staff becoming ill by installing air conditioning in your office.

Air conditioning improves the air quality and ventilation in your workspace. It can also reduce the amount of allergens, such as pollen, in the air. The lower temperatures will also help to keep parasites and insects away, and even reduce the chances of your staff getting dehydrated in hot weather.

You might have heard that air conditioning can actually do the opposite and make you sick, but we debunked this myth in an earlier post where we explain that it’s not possible for air conditioning to make you ill, as long as you keep it maintained and get it serviced regularly.

Get office air conditioning quotes

Now you now that office air conditioning is important to your business, it’s time to get quotes. Make sure you check that any installers you choose are REFCOM-accredited.
At D-Air, all our engineers are REFCOM-accredited and we’re SafeContractor approved. We’ll help you come up with the best air conditioning system for your office.  We’ll deal with any building or planning permission applications that might be needed along the way.

Fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch to arrange a quote for your air conditioning, or find out more about the office air conditioning service we offer.